Monday, December 31, 2007
"The Bigger They Are... The Harder They Fall..."
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Yes... kids are so kind
Mom - "What? Does my breath stink?"
Ollie - "It smells like Oyster Skins!"
Unsolved Mystery Heel Pain

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Loads of Christmas Fun!

*Tuesday, December 18 - Christmas with my Dad and stepmom, Ellen. We went over there for dinner and then the kids opened their presents. They got some clothes and other fun little stuff.

*Thursday, December 20 - Christmas with our own little family. We ordered pizza and opened presents. Ed even got some mistletoe from me in his stocking! I guess you stick it in water and it like quadruples its size! "Pucker up, Buttercup!".
The kids LOVED the collars and nametags I got for their favorite puppies! The nametag has the puppie's name and our phone number in case it ever gets lost. I found this idea in one of my magazines!
Jaren playing (... or chewing on rather) with his new truck!
Each year we get the kids a new ornament. Eden - Tiara, Jaren - Elephant and Ollie - Bowling shoes!
*Sunday, December 23 - Christmas with my mom and brothers. Sunday evening we spent at my mom's house with my two brothers and Willie the dog of course! He loves to help everyone open their gifts! He'll go from person to person and get his nose up in everybody's business! Eden was not at all about to relinquish her gift opening duties to the dog!!!
Jaren, Uncle Bryan, Eden

Bry playing with Ollie's fake snot he got in his stocking! I love how it has a bend in the fake snot...

*Monday, December 24 - Christmas Eve with my grandparents and other family members. We always travel to Clinton, Iowa to visit my grandparents and celebrate Christmas Eve with them. They always have a Christmas Eve service at their church and this year my mom and I helped my grandmother with part of the service. My mom lit some candles and I helped with some of the reading that went along with it. We came back and opened gifts with everyone. This year Dave, Talen and Brett came as well as Sue, Mike, Katie, Andy and his girlfriend Jessie. My family and my mom and brothers were there as well.
*Tuesday, December 25 - Christmas Day. Dave decided to take Talen, Brett, Bry and Chad to Eagle Point Park to teach them how to build an igloo. While they were doing that, we decided to bundle up the kids and take them sledding in great grandma and great grandpa's yard. We went through several hill heights (bunny hill in their yard, the alley behind their house) until finally we geared up to sled at OLA, a large hill about a block from my grandparents house! I thought Ed was going to break something! I just snapped pictures, since my back has been hurting.
This is a video of Ed sledding down OLA (a large hill near my grandparents house)!
After sledding, we grabbed my mom and headed to the hotel to swim. At first Jaren did NOT like it at all! When I gave him to Ed, he started to squeal and then curled up to Ed with his arms up by his chest! Then he fell asleep on his shoulder while still in the pool!
*Wednesday, December 26 - We went up to see the igloo that the guys built before we left town! Oliver was engaging people in a snowball fight. Him against EVERYONE else! The kids loved being in the igloo. Eden wouldn't come out... she said that she lived in the igloo now!
Eden, Chad, Ollie and Bryan
Ollie enjoying a snowball fight!

Eden, Brett and Bryan (throwing a snowball into the igloo at Oliver)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
6 months old today!

School Christmas Parties...

Eden sitting on Santa's lap for the very first time!
A New Do

I was going to take a reeeeeeeally sad looking photo as the "before" and a jazzy two thumbs up photo as the "after", but I just didn't have time to get it done... maybe next time!
Jaren's First Tooth!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 marks the day that his first tooth emerges. I was putting on some Orajel and I felt a sharp little nub! I bet he'll look so cute with one little nubbie sticking out on his bottom row! I feel so bad when I've done all I can possibly think of and he's still suffering.
When Eden was teething, we never knew it! She was fantastic. I think that Oliver was more like Jaren. He was a little Krabby Patty.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
"Twist and Shout!"
Yesterday, I tried to persuade Eden to let me pull it out before she went to school because she was complaining that it was hurting her. She promised me that I could pull it out when Papa got home!

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Cry on... Cry off... the CRIER!
Evidentally, when babies sporadically yelp, fuss and cry, it looks like a disco in here! On... off... on... off... and so on and so on. I got up one morning and the tree was on. I thought to myself, "I know Ed wouldn't have left the tree on all night long." Then, Jaren started to cry and I saw the light show with my own four eyes!!!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Eden's 5th Birthday!

New pajamas! YEA!!!
"She's in the money... she's in the money..."
A cake fit for a Princess!
"You'll pay for this later, Eden!" thinks Jaren.
Flashback Friday - Meeting Mandisa...
We walked into her dining room and they introduced me to Mandy and all of my fears just went flying out of the window! She was so easy to talk to and just so funny! As we sat at the table, she told us about herself and told us some stories and I was just dying laughing. I could tell we shared the same sense of humor already! I knew that we were going to be good friends after the first time we met! She had a friend visiting her and so they were off to get their hair done, so we had to cut the meeting short!
I'm so glad that I didn't let my fears get in the way, otherwise I would have missed out on a very special relationship with Mandy and her husband Mike and now three years later... their little manchild, Isaac!
It's hard to find couples that just connect. I feel like I'm blessed with several couple friends where the wives connect AND the husbands connect as well. Our interests, our sense of humor, everything just meshes together. We all love to scrap, chat, dine out and the guys love watching movies, comedy and BBQing. We all understand each other's sense of humor which is quite rare. Sometimes I feel misunderstood... and odd. It's nice to know that we all feel odd together!
Well, Mandisa, my equally odd friend... I hope you had a wonderful birthday with your family! Here's to many more laughs and weird stories about anything and everything! I don't think ANYTHING is off limits with us! :) I love you and I'm so glad that our paths have crossed! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
The Long Journey Home
Well, we got to the LAX at about 11:30 and I had to go to the restroom in the worst way!!! I got out and said, "I'll be right back" and ran into the airport. When I came back out, I was sad to hear that they had already left and I didn't even get to say thank you or good-bye! So... Jared and Emily... here is my "THANK YOU... and GOOD-BYE!!!" And of course *HUGS*... We had such a WONDERFUL time out there with you guys! I know that the kids had so much fun with their cousins! They are STILL talking about it!
Our plane left at about 1 o'clock, we traveled for an hour and a half and this time I got to sit by a window so I got some pictures of LA from above! We landed in Salt Lake and had an hour layover and then traveled 2 1/2 more hours into Minneapolis/St. Paul. It was 17 degrees when we got there and man... it was COLD! Ed drove for about 3-4 more hours back to Iowa and got home at 1:30 in the morning. I just let the kids sleep in the next day... I didn't want to send crabby kids to school for the teachers to deal with! Ed could not sleep in... he had training to get up for because he just got a promotion at work! Yea! It was nice to be in our own beds again, but I think I could have wrapped up Jared and Emily's bed and brought it home... AHHHH... it was like sleeping on a cloud! Thanks again guys! We had a BLAST!!!
The Temple and Beach
After that, we went to Carlsbad State Beach, where the kids saw the ocean for the very first time! Even though it was a tad chilly out, nothing could stop the kids from running along the beach and chasing the waves. The water was really cold, but they just LOVED it!!! We packed a picnic lunch to eat at the beach and the seagulls were hovering right over us, waiting for a little treat I guess... (kind of like my mom's dog, Willie, ogling me when I'm eating something at her house)! Jared and Emily even brought a kite along and it was the perfect day to fly a kite! Oliver was singing, "Let's go fly a kite...". It was a pretty windy day. I was in my sweatshirt the whole time we were there!
Eden and Aubrey

Oliver running from the waves.


Eden, Aubrey and Oliver waiting for the waves...
Eden screaming, "OCEAN!!!"
Ed and me
Jared and Ed untangling the three tiered kite, which ended up being a single kite!
Oliver (I LOVED this picture of him!)

Jared running with the tiny kite attached to his hat!
Oliver playing in the sand

Oliver and Eden jumping down the little sand dune.

We had such a fun day! After we got back to Jared and Emily's house, we had a FANTASTIC turkey dinner with ALL the fixins'. It was a second Thanksgiving and it was GREAT!!!
Here is a video of Ollie and Aubrey playing in the ocean. (Eden was pooped by this time and laying with Ed on the beach wrapped in her towel!)