We flew kites with the kids and our little friend, Isaac. I thought it was good exercise for the kids, until I look over and see Eden and Ollie laying on the ground flying their kites!!
My lifelong friend (for over 20 years now), Meghan celebrated her birthday and invited our family and other friends out for some bowling. The kids loved it as always! Happy Birthday, Meg! I'm so glad that we are still such good friends! I'm so happy you are having a girl and that we still live so close!!! She can call me "Auntie Stacy"!!!
We have a new niece to welcome to the family! ADDISON PAIGE PALMER... too cute for words! She was born on April 23rd and we are going to visit the whole family in California this September. I can't wait! She is truly a doll!

Eden had a family gathering where they sang songs, danced and played in the gym with giant parachutes and plastic chickens! That same night, Oliver had his 1st grade Vocal Music Concert. They both did great and we had lots of fun!
My friend's sister, Laura, got married on April 26th and we attended that in Janesville. The kids LOVE going to wedding receptions and dancing all night long! Unfortunately, we had to take Ollie to my mom's house due to every guest having nuts for a snack. Oliver complained that his throat was getting itchy. Eden had lots of fun dancing! Congratulations again you guys!
Jaren got to spend some time with his little friend, Eliza. I got some cute pictures of them playing together!

yeah your back, i love the video.. reggie needs to start bloging. I can't believe how big her little one is.
Welcome back friend! It has been too long! I love the choir concert clip! Ollie looks so dapper in his white shirt & tie! It looks like April was a fun month!
The pictures of Eden always make me giggle. I don't even know her personality, but she always makes me smile.
We miss you guys!
so glad your back! Now get busy and catch us up:)
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