Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One More Week...

Well, today I was SUPPOSED to have my heel spur surgery on my left heel, but since I've had a cold for several days and threw up yesterday morning (while Jaren stood laughing at me...) it is now postponed until Monday, the 22nd of this month. I've been dealing with this pain for some time now and it's only been getting worse. To top it off, my back pain has been amped up because of how I've modified my walking due to the pain in my foot. To put it plainly... I'm 30 and I'm falling apart.

I've tryed different exercises, medicine, ice packs, heating pads, prescribed pain meds, new shoes, losing weight, trying to stay off my feet (VERY difficult when I have a small toddler scampering around), orthodics ($400 - NOT covered by my insurance) AND several cortisone shots in my foot. I've also been seeing a chiropractor for my back pain. Still in pain... hence the decision to get surgery.

You'd think that by losing 42 pounds (hey... every pound counts) I'd feel great! Yeah... no such luck. So, my heel kills, my back kills, my knees and sometimes elbows have been giving me problems, not to mention that I just generally don't feel well. I'm going to see a specialist in January for some of those concerns.

I'm starting to get a little anxious because of my AWARENESS ISSUE during my gallbladder surgery after I had Jaren. It's like I could foresee it happening. I had the surgery with no problem, but the next day I went under again because a gallstone was too large to pass through a tube. They had to go in and cut my tube so they could retrieve the stone. ANYWAYS... I was still awake and there were lots of nurses coming in and out of the small room that I was in. The doctor was in and out and I thought, "Man... are they changing shifts or what!? I sure hope the lady gives me enough meds to knock me out for this!" Eerie thought BECAUSE... during that procedure, I woke up (I couldn't see, hear, speak or move) and FELT someone SHOVING this long tube down my throat and I could feel myself gagging. It only lasted for a few seconds, but I remember it vividly!!! HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE!!! I do NOT wish that on ANYONE!!!

Needless to say... I pray most fervently that it doesn't happen again! I will welcome anyone to pray that all goes well for me on Monday!!!


Hartson family said...

Oh Stacy... so sorry the surgery's being pushed back. I'll be praying for you. Please call me if you need anything!

Mandy said...

Isaac and I will pray for you! (Well, Isaac will kneel down and mumble while I actually say the prayer :). I had to giggle at Jaren laughing while you threw up! Sadly, I have had a similar experience! Apparently, to small children it is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there chica! I hope it will all get resolved soon! That "awareness" experience does sound horrifying! You'll be in our prayers.

Frisbies Forever said...

Wow. That sounds like a lot for a busy Mom with wee ones. I hope it goes well! I hope you find something that alleviates your pain soon! Back and foot pain, in my opinion are the toughest pains to ignore. They embody everything you do. Especially as a Mom. Well, now we know what to pray for! Good luck and we wish your family the best!

Amy said...

OMGosh you are my kindred foot spirit. I have been in a great deal of pain for some time. I finally sucked it up and saw a foot dr. Turns out I need surgery on both my feet. Only it's for bunions. I guess they are pretty good ones as they are causing my metatarsals to fracture. Anyhoo..I will be thinking of you!!!

Stacy said...

Hey ladies,

Thank you so much for your prayers and well wishes! You are truly wonderful people!