A few months ago we were shopping at the mall without the kids and we stumbled upon some little crabs. Since Oliver is allergic to cats and dogs and I'm sure other furry creatures, we thought it would be the PERFECT pet for him! The man answered our questions and I was so excited to surprise the kids with their new pets! Ed picked out a green one for Ollie and I picked out a purple one for Eden. Hermie was Ollie's who passed away about a month and a half ago. They can live for several years, but alas, in a house with children, that may not be the case! Emily is Eden's crab and since crabs enjoy companionship, we thought we would get a new crab to keep her company. Max is his name and moving is his game. He is NOT shy at all and he moves like crazy! He enjoys making messes in their home as well! We picked a blue one for him and it was fun to see the two crabs meet each other!
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