Friday, February 6, 2009


So... I've been getting my blood drawn weekly, sometimes twice a week, since my parathyroid surgery. I had it taken earlier this week and Dr. Lal called and said that my Calcium AND Vitamin D levels were low (you need one to absorb the other). SO... I went back today to get my blood checked and my CALCIUM, VITAMIN D, MAGNESIUM AND PHOSPHOROUS levels were ALL low... AGAIN!!!!!!! I just want to scream! I just got one changed from a liquid to a pill form AND picked up ANOTHER form of Vitamin D to take. Here is what I take on a daily basis...

Calcium Citrate (3 large horse pills/4 times daily)

Calcium Carbonate (4 tums/as needed 4 times daily)

Ibuprofen (1 pill/as needed every 6 hours)

Hydromorphone (1/2 pills/as needed every 4 hours) GONE

Magnesium Oxide (1 pill/3 times daily)

Calcitriol (1.5 ml/twice daily) OR (3 pills/twice daily)(Vitamin D)

Easy Lax (1 pill/twice daily)

Senna (1 pill/twice daily)
Vitamin D (1 pill daily)

Citalopram (1 pill daily)

Omeprazole (1 pill daily)

Ergocalciferol (1 pill/Every Wednesday)(Vitamin D)

K-Phos (3 large horse pills/3 times daily) NOT NEEDED as of yesterday... who knows now, I might have to start taking them again!!! AGH!

So... as you can tell... I have a large amount of medicines in my body on a daily basis! Since Dr. Lal (my surgeon) is out of state, Dr. Ordificio? is supposed to call me and tell me what to do now. I'll keep you posted...


Anonymous said...

My goodness woman! No wonder you had to print a schedule! :)

meghan said...

Good Night Stacy. You are like a walking pharmacy!!=)

Stacy said...

Yeah... tell me about it!!! The worst ones are the large horse pills! They tend to get stuck in my throat... then I'm gagging on them and puking them back up in my mouth again for round two! It's nasty!

Yeah... it's great to be me. :o)