The Big 5 Tag
10 Years Ago: I was getting ready to go off to Ricks College (BYU-Idaho) in Rexburg, Idaho. It was my first move away from home. Very excited and nervous at the same time.
5 Years Ago: Ed and I were celebrating our 3 year anniversary. We had two kids, Ollie and Eden at that time!
5 Months Ago: We were in sunny California visiting Ed's brother, Jared and his family and going to Disneyland for the first time!!! OOOOOh... to be back again. They now have a week old baby girl, Addison!
5 Things on my To Do list today:
1. Buy a summer pool pass and save $10.oo on it if I do it by TODAY.
2. Clean out the van... well... the trash at least!
3. Get out of my PJ's and shower before leaving my house.
4. Find my camera!!!!!! (Thanks, Reggie!)
5. Register Eden for Kindergarten.
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Fudgesicles
2. Arctic Rush from DQ (it's like a snowcone in a cup)
3. Funyuns
4. Fresh fruit - especially peaches, nectarines and grapes
5. Snack mixes
5 Things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire:
1. Pay off our debts (student loans, house, car, credit cards, etc.)
2. Go back to college and get at least my BA
3. Buy houses for all of our parents
4. Tour all of the Disneyland Theme Parks around the world with our kids.
5. Go to Norway
5 of my Bad Habits:
1. Procrastination
2. Forgetfulness
3. Interrupting people
4. Negative Self Talk
5. Taking things personally
5 Places I have lived:
1. With Heavenly Father in the pre-mortal life.
2. In my mother's womb
3. Cedar Falls, Iowa
4. Rexburg, Idaho
5. Waterloo, Iowa
5 Things people may not know about me:
1. I would love to visit Norway to see where my ancestors came from.
2. I've never owned a dog as a pet.
3. I can make myself burp.
4. I've always wanted to work with Chimpanzees for a living.
5. I have a mental disorder (More to come next month...) and I'm actually still fairly 'normal'! :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sealing in Nauvoo
On April 4th, I was excited to be able to attend my friend, Keeley's sealing to her fiance, Ben, in the Nauvoo Temple. It was a wonderful day and they couldn't have asked for better weather! It was beautiful! I always remember when Ed and I were sealed almost 8 years ago in the St. Louis Temple whenever I attend a friend's sealing. Wonderful memories!

The Nauvoo Temple and a statue of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum Smith on the two horses below.
Myself, Keeley and Jamie. Jamie and I are Keeley's visiting teachers.
Keeley and Ben. Just married for time and all eternity!
"Marriage - The Musical!"
Thursday, April 3, 2008

I used to do Aquatrim (water aerobics) with my mom when I was in junior high. Now that I'm older it is pretty much the only way I can work out.
I had to find something that I could do with the least amount of stress on my feet (heel spurs), back (chronic backaches), knees and now my left hip. I feel like this is the best way to work out... even though the noodles we sometimes use ride up a bit!!!
I usually wear swimshorts over my bathing suit, but they tend to slow me down when I try to jog back and forth in the pool. The last time we did some exercises where we jumped out of the water with our knees tucked under us. Yeah... with each jump up... down slipped the shorts until they were around my knees and eventually in a heap in the bottom of the pool! I was just dying laughing! So I fished them out of the pool and laid them on the edge of the pool.
I like the fact that sweat isn't running down my face and pits as well! That's a big plus! Ain't life grand?!
Oliver + Asthma = Ambulance

Have you guessed what this photograph is of?
It's actually a Civil War Ambulance Crew... which brings me to my next blog...
On Monday, March 24th I sent the kids to school as usual. I was tired and Jaren was sleeping so I decided to take a nap as well. After a while I heard the phone ring and it was Ed on the other end asking,
"Where were you? Where were you?"
I said, "I'm here! I'm here! I was taking a nap! What's going on??"
Apparently the school was trying to reach me, but I had not heard the phone ring as I was in la la land! He was in the car on his way to Oliver's school because Oliver wasn't responding to his inhaler at school. He said the ambulance was on it's way to pick him up from school as well. I was like, "WHAT??" Evidentally he told his teacher that he needed his "treatment" (inhaler) and so she sent him to the office downstairs. The secretary gave him a few puffs, but Oliver said it wasn't working. She must have turned around for a split second and so he decided to try and go back to class. An associate found him crying in the hallway and noticed that he was having trouble breathing so she took him back to the office. The secretaries husband has asthma and so she decided to call 911.
The ambulance got there and started an IV and gave him some oxygen. Whenever they'd take the oxygen away his oxygen level dropped to 80.
So, I'm at home wondering if he's ok and if someone is there with him so he's not alone, freaking out in the ambulance. Ed said that he was pretty quiet and just laid there. Later, Brenda, an associate that works there (I also babysit her daughter), said that she offered to go with Ollie since he knew her, but the EMT's said that it wasn't necessary I guess.
So... Ed gets there and follows them to the hospital where they could give him more powerful breathing treatments. They got him back to "his normal" and came back home the same day. I got a bag ready for him with coloring books, his leapster, reading books and some clothes as I thought he was going to be admitted.
We definitely need to ramp up on his meds now that it's getting into allery season. He was also running alot at recess which I'm sure triggered his flare up! He says that he wants to be a firefighter now, since the guys in the ambulance were firefighters! He's such a sweet little guy even though he's got a lot on his plate at such a young age.
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