Wednesday, January 7, 2009

T'was the Morn of My Surgery...

Monday, December 22nd, 2008 - HEEL SPUR SURGERY

This morning I was to be at United Medical Park at 6 am for my heel spur surgery scheduled for 7 am... I am NOT a morning person! I was really starting to get nervous as 7 am got closer and closer. I had a cold for about 2 weeks before today and still had a stuffy nose so I wasn't sure if they were going to postpone my surgery for a second time. The nurse talked with the anesthesiologist and he agreed that I would NOT continue with the general anesthesia, but I would have a local and something else to make me sleepy. I was so scared that I would be awake for it... knowing that they were cutting into my foot at the end of the table!!! Luckily I fell asleep and don't remember a thing!!! THANK GOODNESS!

I was out of it for a while and I remember Ed reading a bit of "Pride and Prejudice" aloud by Jane Austen, one of my favorite authors. Soon I felt good enough to leave. I had my boot on and left the building with my crutches as well as support from Ed. We stopped by the video place and rented tons of DVD's since I'd be restricted to the couch and recliner. We also got something to eat on our way home as well.

Ed was wonderful, as always, getting things for me non-stop. The kids were very helpful as well. One day I woke up and Eden actually got a bowl and made me some cereal! I was pleasantly surprised! Then, Oliver chimed in, "I GOT YOU THE SPOON!!!" I said thank you to him as well, of course!
We've been watching lots of movies and I have been slowing healing since. It's amazing how we take so many things for granted when we can't do what we normally do! So many times I've wanted to get up and vacuum and help out around the house! It turned out to be a success.

1 comment:

Krista said...

Not as bad as you thought it would be....but I know what comes next. I'm just waiting for you to blog about it all.
By the way...did I lend you my pride and prejudice dvd? I can't remember who I lent it to.