This year Eden's 6th birthday was on Thanksgiving so we had her party on the following Saturday. I had mentioned how fun it would be to have a "SPA DAY" birthday party! She was sooooo excited about that! Thanks to the Dollar Tree, I got plenty of fun favors to fill a bag for each girl! I enlisted my mom to help with all of the different stations! They all had so much fun!
The girls just starting to show up... McKenzie, Eden, Haylie & Sydney (sisters).
Grandma Karen (my mom) and Eden. I hope you like your hair wrap, mom!
In each of the girls bags there were:
Hair Wrap
Lip Gloss
Nail polish
Emery Board
Bath Crystals
Moisturizing socks
Ring Pop
Candy Necklace
When the girls got here, we had them put on the hair wraps. They all looked FABULOUS!
My mom sat down with them in a circle and they all tryed "SATIN HANDS" a system from Mary Kay to make your hands feel like satin... go figure!
Hannah and Anne (sisters) at the "NAIL STATION" where my mom painted their nails and added decals if the girls wanted them!
While three girls were at the nail station, Haylie, Eden and McKenzie were at the
"PEDICURE & MASK STATION" with me! First we did a foot scrub, then applied lotion and put on their new moisturizing socks.
Next, we did cucumber stress masks and eased the puffiness around their eyes with some cool cucumber slices... the girls LOVED this one! Their little faces were too small to keep the slices on. They kept on sliding off either side of their faces. They were all giggles!
I enlisted Oliver to help me with anything I needed. He was a GREAT helper. He helped me empty the foot soak tubs and even got clean towels for me to use. Since Sydney, Anne and Hannah had gotten their manicures FIRST, I asked Oliver if he would like to scrub their feet! He was like, "WHAT!?!"... but did it anyways, through laughter and smiles! He did get paid in the end I will have you know!

Here we are at the "MAKE UP STATION". I was going to put on their make up, but my mom said to just let them do it themselves, they would have more fun with it! I agreed. Ollie went above and beyond when he even applied makeup to his friend, Sydney. He actually did a wonderful job!

Eden applying her make up. My friend brought over some Mary Kay samples for the girls to use. That way they wouldn't be sharing bacteria. YUCKTASTIC!

Here we are at the "MAKE UP STATION". I was going to put on their make up, but my mom said to just let them do it themselves, they would have more fun with it! I agreed. Ollie went above and beyond when he even applied makeup to his friend, Sydney. He actually did a wonderful job!
Eden applying her make up. My friend brought over some Mary Kay samples for the girls to use. That way they wouldn't be sharing bacteria. YUCKTASTIC!
That looks awesome!! Now i have a good idea for my next little ones birthday!!
Happy birthday Eden! We hope you had an AWESOME birthday! I think Ollie may be the perfect husband in training between the pedicures and applying make-up! :)
What a fun idea! (I might have to steal the idea);) It looks like they all had such a great time!
That looks like so much fun. What a great idea for a girl party!
My girls had so much fun!Thanks for all you do to make things fun!
You are so creative!! What an awesome idea...The girls look like they are loving it!! Ollie is so sweet! Your children are blessed to have you for a mommy!
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