He designed his own program cover with a picture of Ed baptising him. I'll have to scan it and include it on here! It started at 11 am, the morning of his actual birthday! We were very excited that he could be baptised on his birthday! It will definitely be easier to remember when his baptism day was!
Opening Song: "Come, Follow Me"
Opening Prayer: Janine Palmer, Grandmother
Talk on Baptism: Bishop Andy Jolley
Ordinance of Baptism performed by: Edward Palmer, Father
Talk on the Holy Ghost: David Palmer, Grandfather
Confirmation of the Gift of the Holy Ghost by: Edward Palmer, Father (David Palmer, Bishop Jolley, Garran Gillespie, Elder Thomas & Elder Gillespie)
Closing Song: "Teach Me to Walk in the Light"
Closing Prayer: Meghan Gillespie

Ollie, Ed, Jaren

Our Family

Me and Ollie

Ollie and Grandma Young

Oliver, Eden and Jaren.

Grandma Palmer, Oliver, Grandpa Palmer

The Nais
The Jolleys
Oliver with Bishop Andy Jolley
Oliver and his Primary President, Sister Julie Jolley.
The Gillespies
Cutie Briea in her new sungoggles!!!
Goofy boys!
Eden and Haylie
After Oliver's baptism we went back to Ed's parent's house for lunch and further birthday celebrations! Ollie opened some presents after lunch, blew out his candles and made his birthday wish. We then went to see the movie "UP" in the theater! After that, we headed to our local DQ for some tasty frozen goodness!!! It was a fun day for everyone, especially my little man, Ollie!
Ollie got lots of new books to read for his birthday!

"Go, web, GO!!!"
Jaren kickin' up his feet during lunch!!!
Making a wish........
Jaren was OUT!!! Too dang cute!
Oliver decided to climb the DQ sign... my little monkey man!
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