Me and Jaren visiting the Gillespies and their new little girlie!
"CHEESY!!!" I LOVE it when he smiles like this! It's sooooo hilarious!

Briea Jossi Maureen Gillespie
Look at her cute little mouth and those sweet cheeks!!!

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Palmer!!! Celebrating at La Chapala on March 6, 2009.


Cousins, Evan and Dexter at Grandma and Grandpa Boardsen's house.

Owen, my nephew (step-nephew if you want to get technical).

Briea Jossi Maureen Gillespie
Look at her cute little mouth and those sweet cheeks!!!
Happy Birthday, Grandpa Palmer!!! Celebrating at La Chapala on March 6, 2009.
Jaren and Grandpa Palmer
The handoff to Grandma!
Perfect form! :O)
Cousins, Evan and Dexter at Grandma and Grandpa Boardsen's house.
Owen, my nephew (step-nephew if you want to get technical).
"What happens if I do... THIS?!?"

Evan, brother of Owen.

March 25, 2009 - Oliver having a headstand contest at Capoeira class.

Evan, brother of Owen.
March 25, 2009 - Oliver having a headstand contest at Capoeira class.
Oliver learning some moves in class.
March 25, 2009 - Oliver and I on a Mother/Son Date.
I took him to his very first hockey game! Go Blackhawks!
boy march was crazy.. good thing you got in a visit to that cutie girl at the begining of the month=)
You have some CUTE nieces and nephews!
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