17 August - Cadillac Lanes bowling party for Oliver's 8th birthday! He was baptized and we celebrated his actual birthday with family and promised him he'd get his party sooner or later. Well... it was way later... after his birthday, I'd hurt my back again and so it kept getting postponed until today! He invited some of his friends to celebrate by going bowling! :O)
Oliver has great form... as you can see... as well as some pretty kickin' highwaters! HA!

Love this pic of Bear!!! It was his very first time bowling!

Oliver's victory... um... squat...?! ;o)

Me and my lover man!

Jaren and Tyler



Takoda and Oliver

Eden, Samantha, Takoda, Oliver

Group shot... minus Tyler C., Nick H. & Porter E. *We wish they could have been there!*

Silly group shot!
What a character! Happy Birthday, AGAIN, Bubba!!! :O)
Oliver's bowling acrobatics... more like breakdancing...
Jaren's "Cool Walk"
1 comment:
Stac~ Your kids are so expressive and you do great at capturing the moment!
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