Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'd hurt my back over 10 years ago and so I'm used to dealing with chronic back pain on a daily basis, however, I occasionally go through some 'episodes' of horrific pain that usually lasts a day or two at most. Well, this time, I've been dealing with it for over 3 weeks now.

I went out to eat with my mom and her teacher friends at Barn Happy, a cute eating place in an old hog barn that serves soups and sandwiches, and then we did some window shopping for about an hour on the Main Street parkade in Cedar Falls. That night I just KNEW I would be in terrible pain the next day... and I was right. I couldn't even walk! My mom took Oliver and Eden for me for a few days and Janine, my MIL, took Jaren for me while Ed was at work. I couldn't fix them lunch, play with them, turn on a video... heck, I could hardly get myself to the restroom. I called my chiropractor, but forgot that he was on vacation, but luckily he'd be back the next day!

So, the next day wasn't any better. Luckily I still had a walker from my surgery that I've been borrowing so Eden rolled that to me and I used that for a bit. I saw my chiropractor and he said that it was probably 'sciatica... the nasty of nasties', since I was in horrible pain. I have the majority of pain in my lower right side and tingling in my toes on my right foot. Since then, my entire back has been sore and painful because it all connects and overcompensates for the area that is really stressing out! I haven't been able to medicate myself since I'm preggo and so all I've been doing is icing the crap out of it. I've seen my chiro several more times and cried in his office simply because I just don't know what to do. Nothing seems to be working and he then said that it may be a herniated disc, but we couldn't tell because I can't have any MRI's or CT scans at the moment. I pretty much just have to live with it until I have this baby. ARGH!!!

So... it's been over three weeks now, a few days of not being able to move (I mean... it hurt to BREATHE for Pete's sake!!!) and the rest just in horrible pain, severely limiting my activities. I called my OB and said that I just can't take this pain and inability to take care of myself and my three kids, so she prescribed me some hydrocodone and set up an appointment to see a Physical Therapist. The first time I took the meds... it was heaven sent! The second time didn't even touch the pain......... what am I gonna do with myself!?! It's only going to get worse the bigger I get!

August 3rd was my first PT appointment and my PT showed me some stretches that I can do and that Ed can help me with. I'm hoping that this as well as my chiropractor visits will help me cope with this pain as much as possible. I'm PRAYING it does!!! My PT said that my ligaments are relaxing and that my hips are totally out of line because the ligaments aren't doing their job and holding the bones in place. It's common amongst pregnant women, but she said mine is worse because of my history of back pain and that I have had this for so long that my body just kind of gets used to its new position. I guess I'm just a crooked woman... I pray that this all helps. As I'm typing this... I'm in horrible pain all across my lower back. I only want to take my meds when I absolutely need them. I'm thinking I need them right about now. YIKES!

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