We had our 2nd Annual Salsa Party today! Our last one was two years ago. Last year I let the summer slip away from me. I was late getting Ollie registered for Kindergarden and so we just didn't mess with it! Man, let me tell ya... having parties are A LOT of work. Cleaning the house, running around making sure everyone has what they need, taking photos, and then the dreaded clean up after everyone leaves. I AM POOPED! It was fun though! At least I hope people had fun! We all brought salsa and a mexican dish to share! It was a gorgefest! YUMM!

This year we set up tables in the driveway.
It was the only place to sit in the shade!

After we all ate we had a pinata for the kids to destroy! Two years ago, we had a little green mariachi man and this year we had a purple one that was the same little man, mustache and everything! We started out with the little kids and then the parents got a turn to whack the crap out of him!

Our very own Mariachi Man!
Little does he know about what the future holds!

Krista hit him and the candy started flying out of his crotch! Oh my gosh, it was hilarious! The kids came out of the woodwork and started retrieving their candy by the handfuls!!! I would have been all up in the mix, but I didn't think that it would have been very becoming of me... ya know... crawling all over the kids to get my hands on all of that sugary goodness! I just had to restrain myself!

The kids dashing toward the candy!

I'll just have to steal some of it when she's not lookin'!
I looked around out in the back yard when everyone had left and discovered our little dismembered mariachi man strewn all over the fresh cut grass. A sad sight to behold!
It's been storming all week long and today was in the 70's and just beautiful! We couldn't have asked for a better day!
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