Looking like the 'Stay Puff Marshmallow Man'! I am soooo swollen! I pushed and pushed soooo long with him... my lips were tingling and I felt like I was going to pass out! Come to find out... he was stuck on my pelvic bone. I almost had to have an emergency C-Section, but they used the forcepts instead... NOT HAPPINESS!

My first baby, Oliver Young Palmer. He was 5 days late, but came on his own. My labor was 13 hours with Oliver. He was 21 inches long and 6 lbs 8 oz.

Pregnant with Baby #2 - Girl. I felt sooooo huge with this one!
This is my favorite post labor picture with one of my babies. Just Eden and I. I was in labor for 4 hours. She shot out like a cannonball in four pushes!
My second baby - Eden Lucia Palmer. She was 7 days late and I had to be induced with her. She was 21 inches long and 9 lbs 3 oz.

This was my post labor picture and the first time I got to hold Jaren... I think it was like 6 hours later. He had a rough start to life and was in the NICU for the first week of his life with pneumonia.
My third baby - Jaren Freeman Palmer. He was induced one day before my due date. I wanted him to have a different birthday than his Daddy's! I was in labor with Jaren for 7 hours. He was the most difficult pregnancy, but the easiest labor and delivery. I didn't have any stitches and I healed really quickly. He was 21 inches long and 8 lbs 5 oz.
Hahaha.....I totaly thought you were kidding about how swolen you were. I can not tell so much in your face, but it looks like you wouldn't be able to move your fingers, even if you wanted to. The other pics are great! Cute babies!
OK, you are one cute pregnant lady! In the picture with J, you are ALL belly! You look SO good!
For your next one, we'll have to take month by month pictures. That would be fun!
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