January 18th - Girl's Night Out

Tonight we were invited to dinner and a scrapbook night at Meghan Horan's home. She had gotten a panini maker for Christmas and tonight was the virgin run! She also made some homemade soup for us as well! We ate and chatted for a while and then cleared the way for some scrappin'! I really wasn't in the zone tonight, so I helped Meg make

some cards for her sister. We were all so goofy, it felt like I was in Jr. High again! I can't remember the last time I've laughed sooooo hard... it was such a fun night!
After we scrapped for a while, Meghan showed us how to play 'Rock Band' complete with guitar,

drums and microphone! I had already played 'Guitar Hero' the last time I was there and I loved it! I wanted Meg and Krista to be able to play and see how fun it was! We all rocked out for a bit before they had to leave. I even stayed 2 hours after the other gals left! I did pretty well on the drums I must say! We had such a fun time! Thanks Meg! (Meg and I have been friends since second grade! It is a blessing to still have her as a wonderful friend!)
Me in all my glory with my sweet rockin' guitar.

Here is video of us playing 'Rock Band'. Meg G. had said that I looked so serious so then I threw in some pelvic thrusting and head bobs, ya know... just to jazz it up a bit. Yeeeeeaaah... didn't know the camera was rollin'... ENJOY... at my expense!!!
"Girl Rockin' Club"
Thrust it baby! Yeah!
Oh no you didn't!!!!! How embarassing! Hahaha.....I'll get you for this.
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