-THURSDAY, October 2, 2008-
She's even cute when she drools!
Jaren, Crazy Eddie, Addison
Addy and Jare
Jaren giving Addy kisses... too cute!
Dana Point
I loved these trees, they remind me of Dr. Seuss trees!
Oliver, Eden and Aubrey... blowing a bubble.
The kids on the run...
Jaren and Cousin Addy. This was Jaren's FIRST time at the beach!

I love this picture of the girls practically tip toeing to the water.

Oliver doing what he loves best... throwing rocks into water!

Jaren in his OVERSIZED Gilligan hat!

Ed scaring the seagulls away from our little beach setup.

Eden getting sprayed down with sunscreen.
Surfers! When we first got there, I saw a surfer coming down off a wave STANDING
ON HIS HEAD on the surfboard!
ON HIS HEAD on the surfboard!
I love this picture of the girls practically tip toeing to the water.
Some natural goodies I found on the beach.
The guys with babes in arms...
Oliver doing what he loves best... throwing rocks into water!
Jaren in his OVERSIZED Gilligan hat!
Ed scaring the seagulls away from our little beach setup.
Oliver showing me a teeny tiny hermit crab!
Ollie showing Aubrey the crab. 
Me and Ed at the beach.

The girls playing in the sand.

Oliver looking for crabs or any other sea creature.

Crabs amongst the seaweed.

I love this pic of Eden and Natalie!

Ollie and Natalie racing to the volleyball net.

The girls playing in the sand.
Oliver looking for crabs or any other sea creature.
Crabs amongst the seaweed.
I love this pic of Eden and Natalie!
Ollie and Natalie racing to the volleyball net.
Happy boy!

Happy boy!
Around 4 or 5 that afternoon the fog started rolling in really quickly and before we knew it, the water and the sky disappeared! Emily said that it is called the "June Gloom".

After we put the kiddos to bed, we adults had pumpkin brownies and got out the WII. It was my first time EVER playing it! Emily and I played the bowling game for practice while the guys were out and about getting some ice cream. We all played and had so many laughs! I thought it was fun to create WII people that looked like us! What a fun night!
1 comment:
Oh Stacy,
It looks like the California trip was awesome!! I bet your kids had the best time!!
I like the natural goodies comment :) Snack time kids!
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