The last weekend in August is always our "Ewing/Thompson Family Reunion" on my grandmother's side. We meet up for a potluck lunch at Eagle Point Park and chat for several hours. I've enjoyed going the last few years with my own little family.
A view we've seen many times over the years! Driving into Clinton. We knew we were close to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Bear kicking the ball to Katie's goddaughter.
One of Katie's goddaughters and Oliver.


I LOVE this picture!

Jaren with a chip on his head.

"Look at the crazy lady, kids...."

Our shelter for the past two years.
Kent, Peter and Gramps

Jaren just did something funny!

Katie, Me, Jaren and Oliver
Eden, Jaren and Oliver by the shelter overlooking the Mississippi River.

Sweet little Jare Bear


The Mighty Mississippi
Ed and Eden

The Gang

Bob and Nancy Ewing

Grandma and Jaren

Eden, Oliver, Ed and Jaren above the waterfall.

Oliver - age 8

Eden - age 6
Jaren - age 2

Silly Jaren

ME - age 30... :O)
The kids playing in the water.

Kyle's little boy and Jaren

Peter, Dani, Marcella & Francesca

Kyle and Rebecca
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