Anyways... since I didn't want to freak anyone out by going to the church Halloween party and trunk or treat, I asked Ed to take them! I know he's not as into these things as me, but he understands that I would do it if I could. I miss doing things together as a family... whatever it may be. So, he brought the kids home for a bit to get their costumes and see me for like an hour and a half (they had gotten their flu shots a few days before). The kids got into their costumes and I helped Eden put on some make-up, which she LOVED!!! I drew on some chin whiskers for Oliver and some whiskers and a black nose for Jaren. I had to get some photos of them in their costumes, of course! Then, I got some hugs and good-byes and then they were gone. :O( I miss them soooooo much it hurts.
Hannah Montana (6), Dalmation (2), Shaggy from Scooby-doo (8).
Here's a better view of their costumes!
Ed called me from the party and said that the kids were having fun, but Jaren was ready to leave! He's my only kid that never wants to stay anywhere for very long. At friend's houses, the park, anywhere... it's crazy! Ollie and Eden would stay anywhere all day long!! :O) They had hot dogs, played games, did the trunk or treat, had an ugly tie contest and a best costume contest!
I saw some photos on FACEBOOK of the fun that my friends posted! It looked like they had a ball! :O) I'm sad I missed it, but I'm glad that the kids still got to go and have fun with their friends! (Thanks, Meg and Krista for the photos!)
Oliver during the Trunk or Treat at the Youngblut's.

Jaren staying by Papa's side. True to form as 'man's best friend'...
Haylie and Eden. Such cute girlies!

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