For our Family Home Evening activity we finally painted our pumpkins... post Halloween as I was in the E.R. the day we were going to originally paint them. The kids had a ball... and so did we! I'm glad I have a husband that enjoys doing these fun little things with our kids!!! :O)
Jaren painting his pumpkin AND he still manages to have his hand down his pants... er... diaper in this case. Our little Al Bundy!!! :O)

Eden choosing some paint colors. Sweet smile!

My two lovable dorks... Ollie and Ed!!!

Me, Jare and Edes. Jaren wanted to help me paint MY pumpkin...

LOVE this proud face!!!

Oliver and his ghost pumpkin!

Eden posing with her pumpkin masterpiece!

I don't think Ed was thrilled with his finished product...

My ghost squash and Jack the Pumpkin King!

Crazy kiddos!!!

Couldn't resist posting this sweet picture!

Jaren doing a little table dancing during our judging of the pumpkins...

The lineup...

Stac you are so talented!!! I wish I had an ounce of your creativity!!!
Jaren's moves look so funny!
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