So, today started like any other day. I got up for my now weekly OB appointment at 9:20. Outside of the waiting room there was a table set up with some hand sanitizer, some face masks and a paper saying that if you have any of the following symptoms to put a face mask on. I had a headache, sore throat, congestion and slight cough, so I thought that I would go ahead and put one on. I entered the waiting area and talked to the receptionist only to find that my appointment was scheduled for yesterday morning. UGH. Luckily, she got me in to see someone anyways since I was 32 weeks along and obviously looking like I had just gotten hit by a MACK truck.
As I sat in the lobby, I could see everyone just staring at me like I had the freakin' plague! I'm thinking to myself, "I'm wearing this for YOUR benefit! I already feel like crap so stop freakin' starin' at me or I'll take it off and cough on ya!!!" I was annoyed because I missed my appointment and felt like an idiot, annoyed because everyone was staring at me, and annoyed because it was hotter than hell wearing it and every breath I took fogged up my glasses. I didn't want to touch any magazines because if I did people would freak out, but I had to grab one and start fanning myself as I felt like I was going to pass out any minute! A man came by and told me to follow him to a room. I don't know if it was from a sincere desire to help because he could tell I was miserable or if it was to get me to a room to quarantine me!! Either way, I was happy to get to a room and away from the penetrating stares.
I waited for a few minutes only to be greeted by a nurse wearing something that resembled a HAZMAT suit! She had on rubber gloves, a face mask and a robe of some sort. I had to laugh to myself!!! Later, the doctor came in looking similar to the nurse. I was thinking they were going to strip me down, shave me, shower me and put me into a plastic bubble! (I envisioned a scene from Monster's INC.) I told her my symptoms and she said that I probably had H1N1 (swine flu). I was like, don't you have to test me for it? She said that it's so rampant now that they just assume people have it and treat it as such. I'm like... GREEEAAAATTT... now I REALLY feel like I have the plague! Since it had been several days I couldn't have Tamiflu to help it. I just had to let it run it's craptastic course.
So... last week it was my parathyroid hormone level that was back up and now I supposedly have the freakin' swine flu. Anything else to worry about? CRIPES!!! Soooo... back home, kids are going to G&G Palmer's for the week while I deal with this crap. Even though they've been exposed to me already it's just safer for them, especially Oliver and Jaren because of their asthma problems. Even more to worry about. I just want to scream.
1 comment:
LOVE the Bacon's revenge icon :)
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