Jaren has been sporting a rather thin comb over for several months and finally it just drove me to go over the edge. Yes... I got out the not-so-reliable buzz clippers and went to town. I sat him in his high chair and moved him into the bathroom where the sad event transpired. I grabbed the largest attachment thinking that it was the one inch clip and it was not... hence my horror when I shaved off the first strip of hair. Jaren was just staring at me and slapping his hands joyfully on his high chair tray. I looked at what I had just done and immediately started laughing hysterically!!! I couldn't believe it! Then the more strips I cut, the more I started to tear up and think... oh my gosh... what the crap did I just do? Anyways... at this point Jaren was no longer joyful, but getting rather squirrelly and starting to get upset. SO... I couldn't get it even and I had to stop at a mullet for the evening. Ed got home and started to laugh when I told him what happened! Later on I trimmed off the long parts that I had missed. I still need to get the sides and back more even, but oh well... a mullet never hurt anyone. Not on purpose anyway. He looks like a big boy now. Like a big hillbilly boy. No... he does look cute. Really.
"Okay... maybe it's not THAT BAD."

That might be the coolest two pictures I have ever seen in conjunction--and this from a most unbiased source...
I love his haircut! I am scared of what I might do to my kids, hence the reason I only attempt to trim hair when absolutely necessary. Good job Mom!
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