Mother - Daughter Banquet at The United Church of Christ. She made us matching dresses!

Mother - Daughter banquet in 1984.

The "Pink Ladies". There's nothing more comforting than your mother, especially when you're sick.

Mom and me on my 29th birthday at Las Margaritas - September 2007
Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday, Mom!
Some memories and stories for you on your special day...
I remember... would always make time to color with me even though I know you really didn't want to.
...swordfighting with plungers in Wal-mart when I was in Jr. High or High School!
...telling you to stop singing in the store, and then you started HUMMING to the music... Oh that ticked me off!!!
...burnt bologna. Enough said! Bry and I voting you off of "Survivor"!
...endless garage saling and Goodwillin'! Gotta love those bargains!
...going to your 25 year class reunion and people thinking that I was YOU! Golfing and you getting attacked by some birds when you were trying to find your ball under the tree!
...people saying we sound alike, look alike and laugh alike!
...playing "hooky" from school and going to the Williamsburg Outlet Mall with you and Chad!
...going to church and laying my head in your lap on the pew. You'd always rub my face and hair. Eating at Long John Silver's afterward.
...the familiar hum of the sewing machine. I still remember my favorite summer short outfits... the yellow seersucker outfit with the beach umbrellas on it and the lavender one with the large tropical flowers on it!
...ALWAYS going through your jewelry box when you were dusting off your dressers. (Eden does this.)
...going to the Cattle Congress every year when we were younger.
...going to the Cattle Congress every year when we were younger.
...just laughing at silly things or funny stories.
...going camping almost every summer with you and grandma and grandpa and doing the PB&J dance for the barges at night.
...when we had a family reunion and we were playing on the beach of the Mississippi in Clinton and we rode in the boat to QUICKS and ordered like 30 hamburgers and 5 pounds of fries!
...going to the Unicorn to eat and shopping on the day after Thanksgiving with you, Aunt Sue and Grandma.
...being sick and you taking me to Sartori to stay in the sick bay. Yeah... sometimes I faked being sick... just thought you should know that after all of these years! :)
...being sick (actually really and truly sick) laying in bed and you giving me one of my Christmas presents early... "Ribsy"... I read the whole book that day!
...being chased around the wall that separated the kitchen and living room with a wooden spoon because of something naughty one of us kids did.
...making little pizzas with you for someone's birthday and watching the "Beastmaster".
...going to the Mother - Daughter Banquets at church.
...having you always finding the good bargains at garage sales because I'm stuck in the kid's clothes sections forever...
...painting Christmas ornaments and decorating Easter eggs with us.
...ALWAYS making Christmas goodies and Christmas Cutout Cookies every Christmas... I LOVED THAT!
...putting on a Guns and Roses show for you guys... "Welcome to the Jungle... We've got fun and games..." What the crap was I thinking!?
...wearing our halloween costumes that you made... the Watermelon and the Strawberry. I won second place that year at "Squeals on Wheels". I was in first grade.
...going to see Grandma Boardsen in the nursing home and bringing her goat cheese. I'm so glad that you did that for us. always making Chad and I a fort in the living room on the kitchen chairs whenever you mopped the dining room floor.
...when Chad and I would watch WWF wrestling and we would fly off the couch onto the stack of couch cushions and you didn't care... that was awesome!
...going to Rastrelli's last summer and telling me about when you used to work there!
I could go on and on and on... there are soooo many more things... I just always remember us laughing together! You are one of my best friends and I love spending time with you! I hope you had a wonderful 55th birthday! So... does that make you a Senior Citizen yet? :)
Love, Stacy
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