Our trees are some of the last ones to lose their leaves on our street... so our neighbors have their nicely raked lawns and then there's us. "Hey... I'm not gonna rake my yard if all of the leaves aren't off the trees yet! What do they think I am? A glutton for punishment?!?" Anyways... there were soooooooo many leaves it wasn't even funny! I'm sure with our luck it will probably snow by the time we get them packed into half ripped open bags, and then we will be left with a dirty crop or lawn circle rather, in our front yard! Too bad when we try to reseed in the Spring... we have neon green grass clumps dotting our lawn. As you can see, I don't know much about the different types of grass seed. It's like Grandma's Crazy Quilt over here on Oaklawn!
So... McKenzie, Eden and I all shared the raking responsibility. The girls took turns sharing a small rake and small plastic shovel to build up the massive pile of leaves. They LOVED running and jumping into it, and even pretended to be swimming amongst the leaves. I was hoping all the while that they wouldn't get impaled on a renegade twig and have to take an unplanned field trip to the local E.R.! No injuries... just fun!
It has been so long since I looked at your blog.
You can send those girls over to my house anytime! I thought it would be easier to let all the leaves fall of the tree and only rake once.....but now I am not so sure.
I like Eden's little booty dance at the end of the video there.. nice!
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