Okay. I love this time of year... I hate this time of year. Let me break it down for ya. I love Fall... I love the cooler weather, the beautiful color of the changing leaves, Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, carving pumpkins, apple cider, etc. I hate this time of year because of the lack of
MONEY. I guess from the end of August through the end of October... is the time I dislike. First... you need
MONEY to buy school supplies,
MONEY to buy new school clothes (Even though I get most of them at Goodwill and Garage Sales),
MONEY to buy the right size of shoes for the new school year,
MONEY for registration and
MONEY for lunches for the kids (We are broke, so the kids get reduced lunches this year! YEAH!) Also... September rolls around and you need
MONEY for school pictures,
MONEY for Cattle Congress IF you can afford to go... we couldn't,
MONEY to buy things to help out with Fun Fair donations and
MONEY to help buy things for the school parties,
MONEY to register the car. HERE comes October... more
MONEY for three Halloween costumes,
MONEY for our water bill which comes quarterly,
MONEY to go to fun places like... Gays Mills... Heartland Pumpkin Patch...
MONEY for gas to go on drives to see the beautiful leaves or go for a day trip somewhere.
MONEY... MONEY... MONEY! I can't freakin' take it anymore! I HATE NOT HAVING ENOUGH
MONEY TO PAY BILLS, BUY GROCERIES OR DO FUN STUFF WITH THE FAMILY!!!! It's not like I'm complaining about wanting a bigger house, or wanting a boat or jet skis... It's memory making things with the family... and paying what we need to pay for in order to get by. Health insurance... taxes... debt... student loans... medical bills and prescriptions... BLAH BLAH BLAH! We never went on a honeymoon (no
MONEY) or go on family vacations. My kids don't get to be in anything and everything, like karate or swimming or soccer or what have you. Don't even ask about birthday gifts or baby shower or wedding gifts... or graduation cards or Christmas presents... that's a whole other story!
MONEY makes the world go 'round... I guess our world is at a standstill. Ed works two jobs already, I stay home with Jaren because if I did get a job, it would all go to daycare, so what's the point!?! AND I'd rather be around for my babies and teach them OUR values... even though it IS a huge sacrifice to live in a one income household. (I saw on the news a few months ago that the average family income is $90,000! Because BOTH people work! Yeah... we make a lot less than that... A LOT LESS.) I guess I need to just be grateful that I CAN stay home, even though the lack of
MONEY sucks. Life kinda sucks sometimes... "It's my BLOG I can complain if I want to, complain if I want to, complain if I want to. You would complain too if it happened to you!!!" ...THE END.
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Amen to that... I am feeling you.. Ya we are hating unexpected bills due to incompetent peoples.
I hear ya sista!! Maybe we shouls start printing our own money( haha)
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