"I'm so glad when daddy comes home,
Glad as I can be;
Clap my hands and shout for joy,
Then climb upon his knee,
Put my arms around his neck,
Hug him tight like this,
Pat his cheeks,
then give him what?
A great big kiss."
Children's Songbook pg. 210

The kids have been asking me all week when Daddy was coming home, and I finally could say, "Daddy will be home TODAY!". They were so excited! Ollie is ticked in the picture because a food bartering deal with Eden went awry. He gave her some french fries for two chicken nuggets and she said she'd only give him one. Evidentally, that didn't fly with him! So he's got his panties in a bunch! I got him to smile by saying, "Don't smile... DON'T SMILE!!!" He couldn't resist it! He smiles, but he still acts like he's mad! It's so funny! It never fails!
Earlier today, Eden was singing to Jaren and then he started flailing his arms and legs like he was dancing! It was so cute!
Also, Jaren was making some high pitched squeals and I got it on camera! Usually when my bright orange light comes on... he's stone faced! I love hearing him "talk" to me! He's making more and more sounds each day!
Later, when Ed got home... the kids decided to sing a song for him! Ollie sang and Eden performed the actions! Ed and I were dying laughing at the end when she was sticking out her tongue!
Lately I've been accidentally erasing some really cute videos! I think I'm pressing the button for it to play on my camera and before I know it... it's gone! I'm like, "What the crap!?!" And then it's too late! I had a really cute one of Eden singing to Jaren and then he started cooing really loud, like he was singing right along with her! It was soooo funny!
Eden was coloring in her book and she said, "Oh... I need skin color!!!" She grabbed the apricot crayon and then I said, "There's some more in the bucket." So, she grabbed a brown and a lighter tan color. She said, "Mom, some people have brown skin... right?" I said, "Yup, that's right." Then she picked up the tannish colored crayon and she said, "What color is this?" I told her, "I think it's Tumbleweed." She then said, "I know a girl who is tumbleweed!!! She's in my class. It's kind of like brown." Oh... the things kids say! Too cute!
That video is so stinking cute.. I laughed forever!
What video? :) Them singing?
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