Movie - "Pride and Prejudice"
T.V. Shows - "The Office", "24"
Cartoon - "Spongebob Squarepants"
Comic - "Crabby Road"
Actor - Morgan Freeman
Actress - Drew Barrymore
Book - Standing for Something
Magazine - Family Fun
Board Games - Cranium, Trivial Pursuit, Scattergories, Pictionary
Card Games - Phase 10, Uno Attack
Dice Game - Yahtzee
Computer Game - Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Video Game - Wheel of Fortune
Childhood Game - Ghosts in the Graveyard
Song - "From This Moment On" - Shania Twain & Bryan White
Singer - Bryan White
Band - Rascal Flatts
Genre - Country
Concert I've Attended - Bryan White concert in Davenport... we were soooo close to the stage!
Instruments - Violin, piano, mandolin
Sports - Softball, Volleyball, Ice Hockey
Sports Team - Anything that Oliver or Ed are in!

Hobby - scrapbooking
Thing to do outside - camping, BBQ's
Subject in school - Art
I also love to do sudoku, word finds and crossword puzzles!
Restaurant - Las Margaritas, Texas Roadhouse
Food - Fettucine Alfredo, Chimichangas, Pizza
Dessert - Cheesecake, Strawberry Shortcake
Candy - Peanut M&M's, Good & Plenty, pretty much any chocolate!
Drink - Hot Cocoa
Soda - Cherry Coke
Ice Cream Flavor - Mint Chocolate Chip, Jamocha Almond Fudge
Cereal - Strawberry Yogurt Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds
Color - Green

Season - Fall & Summer if it's not too hot & humid!
Holiday - Halloween

Vacation Spot - On a beach, blue skies, not too hot, light breeze
Country - I'd like to visit Norway
Shoes - Anything comfy... Adidas or Nike
Clothing - "Stretchy Pants!"

1 comment:
Rock on....my favorite animal is a chimpanze as well!
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