Color - Red, Pink & Purple
Restaurant - McDonald's & Las Margaritas... "The rice and beans place."
Food - Macaroni and cheese
Restaurant - McDonald's & Las Margaritas... "The rice and beans place."

Vegetable - mixed veggies
Fruit - apples
Drink - chocolate milk
Sport - "Ballerina"
Movie - Cinderella II
Song - "Going on a Bear Hunt"
Hymn - "I am a Child of God"
Activity - crafts
Holiday - Valentine's Day
Halloween Costume - Sleeping Beauty
Animal - puppy
Thing to do outside - play on the swings
Thing to do inside - play with my toys
Thing to wear - dress up clothes
Thing to do with mom and dad - go to McDonald's
Thing to do with Oliver - play outside together
Thing to do with Jaren - Sing him songs
Place to be - Swimming at Byrnes Park, Disneyworld... we've never been.
Toy - Baby Ariel that I can take in the bathtub
Fruit - apples
Drink - chocolate milk

Song - "Going on a Bear Hunt"
Hymn - "I am a Child of God"
Activity - crafts

Halloween Costume - Sleeping Beauty
Animal - puppy
Thing to do outside - play on the swings
Thing to do inside - play with my toys
Thing to wear - dress up clothes
Thing to do with mom and dad - go to McDonald's
Thing to do with Oliver - play outside together
Thing to do with Jaren - Sing him songs
Place to be - Swimming at Byrnes Park, Disneyworld... we've never been.

Book - Princess books
Season - "I don't like summer because bugs come out and hurt me." "I like cold. I like to build snowmen and throw snow at my brother (Oliver) not at my bubba (Jaren)."
Season - "I don't like summer because bugs come out and hurt me." "I like cold. I like to build snowmen and throw snow at my brother (Oliver) not at my bubba (Jaren)."
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