What is up with bad drivers?! This is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves!!! Today on my way to playgroup at church, I was driving on University Avenue which is 45 mph and I was in the left, faster lane. I get behind this moron, driving 30 mph and I see his head looking to the left and then looking to the right and the left again. Like it's a leisurely drive through the woods or something! I'm like... "IT'S 45 MILES AN HOUR!!!!!" Oh, it just driiiiiiiiiiiiiiives me NUTS! Why can't people drive? That's all I wanna know.
Today Eden was invited out to lunch with her little friend, McKenzie, for her birthday. Her birthday was yesterday, but we had a home visit from Eden's teacher at that time, so we settled on today, after school. We decided to go to Burger King that has the play area. Don't worry... no ball pits here! I don't want my kid to get a random snake bite or fecal bacteria all up in their business! Can someone say... NAAAAASTY! Anyways... Eden had fun playing with McKenzie and I had fun chatting with her mom, Brenda. I had gotten McKenzie a little present, but I couldn't assemble it in the car! I got her and Eden matching necklaces, but the necklace was too large to string the charms on. They each had their initial and a cute butterfly on it... which reminds me... I need to put Eden's together to wear tomorrow! I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday already!!! Time flies when you're eating at BK and having onion ring farts all night! Yeah... it's my blog... I can say things like that! :) I'm keepin' it real here folks! I may need to start a rating system for my blogs... *Warning: may contain fart related stories or things of that nature. Just keep scrollin'..." I'm in a weird mood.
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